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Operations and Security

Kamungi Conservancy operates a trained team of community scouts. The scouts work in partnership with KWS rangers. They conduct night and day anti-poaching patrols inside Tsavo East National Park and the Conservancy in order to limit illegal activities such as ivory poaching, snaring, bush meat trading, tree cutting, charcoaling and illegal grazing.


Kamungi Conservancy will operate a trained team of Community Scouts in an outside of the Tsavo East National Park (TENP) in support of KWS.


  • Recruitment:12-community security scouts have been trained at the KWS Law Enforcement Academy, supplied with their equipment, uniforms. This unit was deployed to the field in May 2016.
  • Entry Points to TENP:Community Scouts will secure known historical and current entry points for illegal activity into TENP
  • Anti-poaching:Community Scouts will conduct night and day anti-poaching patrols inside the TENP and the Conservancy in order to limit illegal activities such as ivory poaching, snaring, bush meat trading, tree cutting, charcoaling and illegal grazing.
  • Intelligence and Informer Network:an informer network will be established and a reward system put in place that provides information leading to arrests and threats facing TENP and Kamungi Conservancy.
  • Liaison with KWS and local police:follow up of illegal activity reports and arrests will be made in collaboration with KWS and local police officers
  • Aerial Patrols:aerial patrols will be conducted on a regular basis along the TENP boundary and within Kamungi Conservancy.


As a base of operations, a practical Kamungi Conservancy HQ will be developed on Conservancy Land.


  • Offices/Stores:12 room block/office/ Ops room/ store/ borehole/solar power.
  • Living quarters:accommodation and kitchen built for 20 Conservancy staff.
  • Manager/Accountant:a Conservancy Manager and or Accountant will be hired.
  • Volunteer Coordinator:a coordinator of volunteers will be identified, with expertise in specific volunteering interest e.g. medical professional for medical students coming into the clinic.


In collaboration with the County and Conservancy members a road network will be established and maintained.


  • Public Road to Mtito Andei:the road to Mtito Andei is improved.
  • Public Access within Kamungi Conservancy:access roads to homesteads and water points clearly marked and maintained.
  • Private Access to land:members maintain clear access to their homesteads.
  • Boda Boda/Bicycle Track/footpath network:members maintain paths and motorcycle tracks within the Conservancy.
  • Signage:simple clear signs are designed and posted providing clarity within the Conservancy.


A radio communication network is established within the Conservancy.


  • Reliable communications with field operations


Vehicles purchased for the Conservancy to serve the Kamungi Conservancy and Members.


  • Admin:One Suzuki for management.
  • Security:One vehicle for anti-poaching/human wildlife conflict.
  • Community Liaison:One motorbike for the Community Liaison Officer.


Marketing strategy and personnel will be established for the Conservancy.


  • Visitor Services
  • Fund Raising and Donor Relations
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